
Telemedicine and Prenatal Health

Healthcare consultations and checkups have joined the remote-appointments world; and “telehealth” (along with “telemedicine”) is now a dictionary word. Through good audio-video connections, doctors can do many of the same things they do in person: And telehealth saves patients the…
teen boy talking with medical provider

Healthcare Transition for Young Adults: The World of Family Medicine

Some healthcare apps for families and young adults: It’s hard to say which is harder: “graduating” from teenager to independent adult, or being the parent releasing a child into adulthood. If the “child” has an intellectual disability, there are even…

Avoid the Road to Depression: Keeping on in the Face of Discouragement

In 2023, a record 29 percent of Americans reported being diagnosed with depression, past or present. Though exact causes of medical depression are unclear, evidence suggests that certain people are more vulnerable: For anybody, depression has potentially serious consequences: decreased…
Digital Navigator Class

Building Connected Communities | Digital Inclusion for Mental Health

If you’ve followed our blog for long, you’re familiar with “Digital Navigator” topics—and you know that a Digital Navigator promotes digital equity by helping clients get device access, household wireless services, and personalized training. This improves opportunities for: “Digital Navigators…